Lower Beeding Clubs

Comptons Tennis Club 
Leechpool Hill, Lower Beeding
T: 0103 891419
W: www.comptonstennisclub.co.uk
E: play@comptontennisclub.co.uk 
Cowfold Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Ellen Barker
T: 01403 865791 
Stoolball Club
Kevin Cockram
T: 01403 892591 
Junior Football Club
Ian Jewell
T: 01403 864188 / 07881 298830
W: www.lowerbeedingandhandcrossjfc.co.uk
E:  ije7361440@aol.com
Rainbows, Brownies and Girl Guides
T: 08001 695901
W: www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved
The Thursday Club
Social Club for people of all ages. Meets in Church Room 2nd Thursday Monthly 14:30-16:30 (except August)
Caroline Ogg
T: 01403 891225