Possible Development Sites
Published: 12 August 2016
lbnp@lowerbeeding.com‘Engage’ September UpdateAs advised in the August magazine article, the ‘call for sites’ has been collated and the list is below:
Although it has been advised before, it is important to underline that the inclusion as part of the ‘call for sites’ or more correctly ‘possible development sites’ is part of the process and the inclusion of sites does not mean that the sites put forward will be automatically accepted. In fact the discussion on which sites to include or exclude will now be open to comments by the residents of the village.
One of the ways for residents to make their comments known is by attendance at the public exhibition, at which the details of the proposed developments sites will be available. The exhibition will be held in the church room, at the rear of Holy Trinity Church, and will held on Friday 7th October between 7pm and 10pm and on Saturday 8th October between 12 (midday) and 5pm. (The car park for the church room is at the rear of the church and accessed via the entrance to the church/graveyard.) The Neighbourhood Plan process is proceeding and the statutory consultation with certain ‘statuary bodies’, is being undertaken by the consultants.
Please come along to the exhibition and let us know your comments on the ‘possible development sites’. We hope you will come along to the exhibition, but if you are unable to you may advise your comments either by writing to The Clerk to the Parish Council: Michael Tuckwell, 22 Blanches Road, Partridge Green, Horsham. RH13 8HZ or by sending an email to the NP email address:
lbnp@lowerbeeding.com . It would be helpful if comments made by this means were received by Friday 14th October 2016.
Remember this is your chance to ‘ENGAGE’ in the Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Plan as “Together we can shape the future of the village.”
Geoff Peckham
Lead Councillor- Neighbourhood Plan – ‘Engage’
Lower Beeding Parish Council
Updates on the Lower Beeding Neighbourhood Plan (‘Engage’) as well as details of the Parish council meetings (normally the last Tuesday of every month, which are held in the Church Room at the rear of Holy Trinity Church, Lower Beeding) will be found in the Lower Beeding Parish Magazine (published monthly) and on the Lower Beeding Parish website: lowerbeeding.com - Parish Council meetings are open meetings to which the public are invited.