NP Meeting Open Forum
Published: 11 December 2017
Location: Church Rooms, Lower Beeding | Timing: 3rd December 2017 at 19:35 hrs
NP Leader: Geoff Peckham GP
NP Co-Lead: Leslie Bamford LB
NP Working Party Members NPWP
Lower Beeding Parish Residents – all signed an attendance sheet
Meeting Agenda
- Brief summary of NP process.
- Summary of the recent exhibition outcomes.
- Feedback from Norman Kwans office.
- Work to be done in the next three months of bringing all the pieces of the puzzle for each site together.
- A spring exhibition of sites determined to be developable.
- Questions and discussion.
1.0 LB opened the meeting by giving an overview of where we are with the compilation of the NP to be initially submitted to Horsham District Council HDC by a target date in 4Q 2018.
1.1 LB informed the audience that there were 85 votes in the recent Public Exhibition held on the 7th and 8th October 2017. She handed over to Peter Knox PK who compiled the data and voting from the Exhibition.
1.2 It was requested from the floor that the results of the voting be uploaded to the Lower Beeding website. Kate Hough agreed that it will be completed by the weekend 10th Dec.
1.3 LB went on to outline the feedback from a recent meeting held with Norman Kwan NK of HDC offices with GP / LB / PK and Laura Bourke of Dowsett Mayhew. NK had given the group the latest information from the government on development of sites in the HDC. The major concern from the group was the BUAB Built Up Area Boundary was very restrictive within the Parish. NK later gave feedback as follows:-
NK provided a response to the queries raised in relation to Policy 4: Settlement Expansion, specifically with respect to the meaning of an existing settlement edge. Norman has advised, the policy was written to allow flexibility for development to come forward in areas like Crabtree where some local services exist. However, They have indicated this would be likely to be limited to modest housing, i.e approximately 6 dwellings and not substantial development. Any allocation would need to have regard to HDPF and National planning policy, and be evidentially justified, for example on the grounds of supporting local services eg. a Public House, other community facility. As set out in Policy 4, any allocation would need to adjoin/abut the settlement edge. This means the neighbourhood plan should not seek to allocate those sites which are remote from the existing settlement of Crabtree. Proposed allocations will also need to be in conformity with other HDPF policies, such as having regard to nearby listed buildings. HDC have made clear that they would expect the majority of growth within the Parish to be focused in and around Lower Beeding.
1.4 GP outlined the allocation to HDC of new houses as 1500 but it maybe increased by the government in the near future. He further added the current documentation is an ongoing process.
1.5 Further points discussed and requested during this juncture of the meeting:-
- Where Plummers Plain boundary starts.
- BUAB map uploaded onto the website.
- Overview on parking needs for new developments.
- Future village infra-structure.
- Discussion on funds going to the village via S106.
- Next steps on submission of the NP to HDC.
- How long does the NP last; GP answered until 2031.
- Brown sites in the Parish. PK informed that there is only one at Church Lane Estate which had been withdrawn for development.
- There is no set deadline for completion of our NP.
1.6 LB informed the room on the next steps to the process
- Development of Parish Policies.
- Further feedback from the Parish.
- Housing Needs Assessment by NPWP.
- Desktop analysis on sites put forward.
- Next exhibition to the Parish residents is planned in Spring 2018 when there will be 3-8 put forward.
- Draft plan for consultation and submission to HDC.
- By Autumn / Winter of 2018 the NP should be completed.
LB also said that any of the Parish residents were welcome to join the NPWP in the future.
1.7 One month’s notice will be given to the residents on the timing of the Spring meeting.
There were no further questions from the floor.
The meeting closed at 20:55 hrs