Vision and Objectives

Published: 03 July 2018

We want to keep the village-feel of our community and maintain a thriving and attractive Parish, a desirable place to live, work and visit. Our aim is to maintain, and where possible improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of our area and quality of life for all, now and in the future.

  • Keep the village feel and sense of place
  • To ensure that any future developments consist of appropriately sized, affordable and sustainable housing, developed in sympathy with adjacent buildings, the village and its surroundings
  • To ensure housing densities are in keeping with existing densities in the surrounding area.
  • To ensure that future developments allow for adequate garden space, parking and size/width of roads
  • Enhance the sustainability of the Parish by supporting sympathetic development
  • To minimise the impact of traffic in terms of congestion, pollution and parking through the management of parking and speeds
  • Support accessibility to public transport and improvements in road and pedestrian safety
  • Ensure cohesive and safe community, including crime prevention measures and adequate lighting where necessary
  • Maintain the balance between residential and business uses whilst ensuring business needs to not adversely affect residential amenity